- Is the coach certified in NLP?
—NLP is widely recognized as a powerful development model. It is based in cognitive psychology and is a comprehensive model of human thinking. A coach certified in NLP will understand how the mind works at the levels of beliefs, values, identity, meanings and to leverage these to create change and unleash human potential in a systemic way.
- Does the coach have a sound methodology for coaching?
—Our Developmental Coaching has a unique synthesis of cutting edge development technologies that focus on uniting the multiple intelligences of Cognitive Intelligence (I.Q), Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.), Spiritual Intelligence (S.Q.), Somatic Intelligence (S.Q.). Our Coaching method works with the entire mind-body-emotion system as a whole using the Matrix model as a way to think and work systemically. This unites cognitive psychology with developmental and self-actualization psychology.
- Does the coach actually have a defined proven model for change?
—If coaching is truly about generative and transformative change, then what model informs and guides us in facilitating the change process? In our Developmental Coaching we use the Axis of Change Model created by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The Axis of Change model uses the key mechanisms that are involved in making lasting change:
These include:
- The negative and positive emotions that move us away from one thing and toward another.
- The reflective understanding of what needs to change and the decision or commitment to make it happen.
- The constructive planning and designing of what to change to, and the beginning experimentation of the action plan to see how it works.
- The reinforcement of what works well, to reward it and the ongoing testing, monitoring, and accountability that enables the change to solidify.
- Does the coach understand Meta Programs?
— Meta Programs are our habitual ways of thinking, behaving and processing information. Meta Programs act as perceptual filters determining how we take in and make sense of communications: with others and ourselves, life situations, and experiences. Our Meta Programs determine the ‘meanings’ we make of our experiences and ultimately how we respond to them. Coaching to a clients’ Meta Programs enables our coaching sessions to quickly identify the real issues and get to the heart of things where the leverage for change occurs.
- Is the chemistry there?
— The Coaching process is a first and foremost a partnership. There must be a sense of rapport, safety and commitment between coach and client. We think that sense of chemistry can best be gauged by actually having a conversation with the coach. They is why we offer a pro bono ‘Get Acquainted’ session where you can chat about your goals and outcomes, the coaching process, what you can expect from coaching and if this partnership is the right fit for both of us.