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What Do We Offer?
Developmental Coaching Programs
Leadership Developmental Coaching
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Leadership training and coaching is about enabling Leaders the communication and leadership skills to engage in the act of leading themselves and their people to their fullest potentials.
Conflict Management Coaching
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Conflict Management Developmental Coaching enabling the Manager’s communication and self-actualisation needed to engage in the act of Managing their people to their fullest potentials.
Effective Communication Coaching
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If you are a business owner, having the ability to communicate to your employees is a vital key for long-term success. If you are an employee, becoming a more skilled communicator will increase your value to the company and your value in the marketplace.
Personal Developmental Coaching
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Personal Coaching enables you to see with fresh eyes, new possibilities and then build sustainable new competencies to achieve the outcomes or objectives that deeply matter to you and those you love.
Parental Coaching
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Our 'Perfectly Imperfect Parenting' program goes beyond mere ‘techniques’ to handle your children. We offer the best tools available to improve your Parent/Child Relationship.
Mediation Developmental Coaching
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This Training Program combines principles and techniques from the Alternative Dispute Resolution field to deliver an innovative training program that takes the skills of mediation to a higher level of effectiveness.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Accessing Leadership Genius
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Business and Organization NLP Advanced Communication Skills training helps people achieve more success by improving their ability to connect, persuade, influence, and create relationships of rapport and trust.
Self Leadership
The Tao of Self Leadership
Managing yourself is the key to having success. Take charge of your emotions & communication, while remaining focused & committed to the pursuit of your dreams.
Emotional Intelligence
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What if you could learn about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and how you can develop it to make powerful changes in your life, all in One Day? Check out our EQ program for more information.
NLP Practitioner Training
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Get certified in one of the most powerful models for transformational personal change. This model was developed by an international NLP organization and is recognized in over 40 countries worldwide.
NLP Master Practitioner Training
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You are an NLP Practitioner and have the basic knowledge of NLP. Now you are wanting to step up to the next level. Take this course if you are ready to learn how to use your NLP with greater efficiency and precision.
Unleashing Authenticity
Kick Self Sabotage to the Curb
It's time you put your inner critic in its’ place once and for all. It's time to Kick Self Sabotage to the Curb!
How Do We Deliver Our Services?
Cognitive Clearing and Enriching
Cognitive distortions refer to those thinking patterns that create distorted representations, thoughts, beliefs, decisions, and then emotions.
When you can simply recognize them for what they are, then you can truly know: The problem is the frame, not me. This will give you a great first step to clarity and choice.
Sterling Harris
Executive Leadership and Management Coach/Trainer
Executives and Leaders reach out to me when they are ready to realize more of their potential and step themselves up to their next level of development. To take a clear look at how they are being as executives, leaders, managers, communicators. To profit from clean, clear, concise feedback.
In my coaching, I facilitate an honest, uncompromising and supportive conversation that shines the light of awareness on where and how my clients are being inconsistent or inauthentic or out of balance with the person most responsible for their development potential…themselves.
Corporate Clients
What Our Clients Say
“Sterling worked with me and taught me various techniques I could use to control my anger. He helped me explore and pinpoint the root causes of my anger from my past. I was able to master some techniques I could use to control my anger. I have developed new skills and abilities to control not only my anger but all my undesirable emotions.
Thank you very much. I have learned that we have total control over our way of thinking.”
Vivek P.
Have Questions or Concerns?
USA +1 703-493-1408
AU 61-472-639-848